Monday, February 15, 2010

A plan for this blog

Dear Blog,
I've been thinking about what this blog should really be. I think me just cooking and putting pics up isn't going to cut it, which I mean to say I don't think I will be motivated enough to keep this thing up, if that is all I am going to do with it. But I really do want to expand on my cooking skills and want this blog to have a little bit of direction as well... so I have a new idea. I will start focusing on learning actual techniques and skills relating to cooking. I think this will make blogging bloggerific and will be a bit of a fun challenge.  Plus, since I really don't have any actual cooking skills, it should make for a fun experience. I am just hoping to not loose a finger in the process.
I have a few cool books that will make good guidelines and references:   Ratio and The Elements of Cooking by Michael Ruhlman, and of course, Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child. On-line there are countless food blogs and and, plus endless google searches. And there is always the Food Network.  So here it goes, I am aiming for at least 1-2 new techniques/skills a week... this week I am starting with stock made from scratch. Stay tuned... it will be fascinating!
I will have to blog about my homemade pasta and maple bacon cupcakes some other time.


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